Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Frankie B - Amazing ballet set, Part 2 !!

  Today's update concludes the absolutely amazing set for Frankie B that I first posted about a few days ago HERE...  In the second part of this gorgeous set, she changes into an absolutely amazing dark "forest green" leotard that she looks so hot in.  She is such a pretty girl and I honestly think she is one of the best "all around" beauties that has been on OnlyTease for the last few years or so.  She is also one of the best and hottest glamour models in general, and she has such a fit physique.

 She is just so cute and she has such a hot overall look, like an actual cheerleader or dancer or gymnast, or some kind of high-end "top totty" thing of this nature.  I just really think she's one of the best all-around girls and her "total-package" look is just perfect, and she has the cutest face and such awesome "big hair."  She's so gorgeous and honestly just a few shoots away from being in my group of very-top-favorites of all time.

 In this set too, those white panty shots are insane !!  She looks so hot in the leotard and she's so femme in those pink ballet tights.  This green leotard too is also one of my favorite colors of all the leotards in the OnlyTease wardrobe that we see pretty frequently...  Frankie is so pretty and just absolutely one of the most photogenic and best girls by all measures...

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