Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Natalia - hot ballet set !!

 Today's update is for a beautiful woman who is one of the prettiest models ever to shoot for OnlyTease.  I discussed Natalia very recently on this page, in a post featuring her beautiful fairy set....

 Natalia is just a beautiful woman and truly one of the most gorgeous and feminine models in OnlyTease history.  I do have to apologize for the lack of topless pics in this set.  Unfortunately, I am unlikely to post any more topless pics in my updates, at least until April or so.

 Unfortunately, a circular went out the other night on "Blogger," that basically says after March 23rd, explicit content and graphic nudity will no longer be allowed.  I am quite devastated about this, as I've made over 1000 posts on all my pages that will frankly have to be gutted if I want to comply.  I am not sure what to do about this.  Honestly, I am not even sure if just "topless" pics are something that will be cracked down on?  I really don't want to go back and delete pics from 1000+ posts on an issue that isn't even necessary?

 I really don't know what I'll do.  I'll keep updating this page, until it gets forcibly made private.  Then I may go start over with a new page somewhere else.  I've really enjoyed making this blog.  In my opinion, there is nothing wrong at all with just topless pics, which is as far as I go.  Unfortunately, the conservatives out there are cracking down on everything and everyone, and the "Wild West" days of the Internet are coming to an end.

 I have really been enjoying making these pages, and talking about my favorite model.  I also might be massively overreacting and just assuming an innocuous page like this will get the hammer.  I kind of figure that blogger may be fleshing out pages that are far more "extreme" than mine.

 Anyway, we will see.  I started one new blog that will have nothing but non-topless from post #1, so in a worst-case-scenario, I will just confine new updates to that and re-load a lot of the old non-topless content onto that page as well.

 I would also be interested to hear anyone else's opinion on this, and what steps I should consider taking to preserve these pages in their top form?

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